House rules

Koorschool Delft has the following house rules for the lesson location at the Oud-Katholieke kerk on the Bagijnhof in Delft.

Pupils and students are welcome in the church during the lesson but are not allowed behind the altar rail nor on the organ balcony.

Pupils and students who are being picked up may wait in the Nicolaaszaal (the room at the front of the entrance to the church).

Parents/carers can wait during the lessons in the Nicolaaszaal, not in the church.

Coats must be hung in the church cloakroom which can be accessed via the hall; they may not be taken into the church.

Bags must be taken into the church.

Food and drinks may not be taken into the church. These may be consumed in the Nicolaaszaal. Waste should be disposed of in the rubbish bin in the kitchen.

Koorschool Delft cannot be held responsible for damage or theft of items in the lesson location.

The piano in the Nicolaaszaal may not be played.

(Please note: Parking of cars on the Bagijnhof is for permit-holders only.)