Music makes you smarter and singing is healthy
Science studies confirm it over and over again. But most importantly, singing is simply fun! And especially if you do it together. Rehearsing songs together, delivering a beautiful concert and making an audience clap loudly for you…
It’s all about sharing music and experiences you’ll remember for the rest of your life.
Classical singing education
What does that mean?
The starting point is a natural use of the child’s voice, which involves the child getting to know and use their own voice to the full with the help of classical vocal techniques.
This means we don’t work with microphones, but for vocal styles that do, a classical education is also an excellent basis.
Choir classes
It all starts with singing in one of the choir classes. Children who want to do more can also join a Plus Class.
In consultation with the child and their parents/carers, we always make the best choice for each child.
Delft Children's Choir & Delft Youth Choir
New as from winter 2021 for advanced solfège pupils:
two concert choirs.