On offer for companies


Singing in the workplace

Choral singing can promote team-building by giving people a common goal while singing in a relaxed atmosphere is really beneficial for everyone involved, both physically and mentally. This makes singing together a surprisingly enjoyable bonding activity for colleagues from every department in the company.

 Full-day and half-day workshops

We naturally tailor the format and content to your company and the occasion and workshops are given at the desired location.

 Company choir

For groups of colleagues who would like to sing together more frequently, Koorschool Delft can take care of the entire organisation: musical direction, repertoire, pianist, etc.

Would you like to get together regularly or just now and then?

Do want to sing for pure enjoyment without any performance ambitions or do you want to work towards a performance for a special occasion?

Together we can come up with the right formula.

Send an email to info@koorschooldelft.nl for more information.